What is Disordered Eating?

So as a follow up to my Instagram poll, I feel like I should actually define what disordered eating is for anyone out there who is unsure whether they might be struggling.

Odds are, you’ve heard of eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, to name the big ones) and you know they can be very serious. To be officially diagnosed with an eating disorder, you have to fit specific criteria, and many people I’ve met have some of the criteria but not enough to be diagnosed with an eating disorder. These people would be considered “disordered eaters.” They may follow certain eating rules or fall into the yo-yo dieting trap, but they don’t *technically* have an eating disorder.

Signs of Disordered Eating

  1. Dieting regularly, always trying to drop the “last 5-10 lbs” or always gaining and losing the same weight

  2. Binge eating, feeling out of control around food

  3. Skipping meals often

  4. Obsessive calorie counting, logging food, macro counting. I want to be clear, not everyone who has ever calorie counted, macro counted, or logged needs to worry, but when it becomes a controlling part of your life and you feel shame or guilt if you do not hit your calories/macros one day, or you can’t go a day without logging, or you avoid social situations because you “don’t know what’s in the food,” it may be a problem.

  5. Moods and self-worth revolve around weight and body image. Constantly wanting to change your body.

  6. Strict food rules and/or cutting out many foods/food groups

  7. Excessive food guilt, labeling foods “good” vs. “bad” and berating yourself for eating “bad” foods

  8. Fasting

  9. Self-induced vomiting and/or laxative abuse

  10. Exercise abuse to “make up for” eating

Now, if you identify with one of these things, but not the others, don’t jump to any conclusions. Are you fully an intuitive eater? Maybe not. Is it hindering your ability to enjoy life? Maybe not. That is where I find the biggest distinction lies for many people. When food and your body image start to rule your thoughts and therefore change how you are living your life, that’s when it may be time to seek help. If you think you may need help, or you’re not sure and you want to chat further about this, please reach out via my “contact me” page.